This unit centres on the Deacon family and the dilemma they face when their TV breaks and they consider borrowing money to buy a new one. Children will explore the options for taking out loans and begin to understand some key terms. They look at the risks and consequences of borrowing money and research the cost and value of activities done as a family, thinking in both financial and emotional terms.
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FinishUsing the interactive story dilemma, children explore the loan options and the cost of each for the Deacon family. They are looking at the implications associated with secure and unsecured loans.
From the outcome of the interactive story, the children can help the Deacon family find other ways to spend their leisure time. They will discuss the financial cost of these, as well as the physical and emotional value.
Curriculum links for PSHE are set out as a curriculum assessment schedule for this unit and links to statutory frameworks are included.
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